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Coding in everyday life

Here me out. Life we live is affected immensely by code.

We reap the benefits of coding without even realising it.


Don't believe me? Let's see some examples.

Washing machines

Yes, they are programmed! Or else, how would you be able to choose the temperature and ideal settings for that perfect wash?

Mobile Phones (even the feature ones)

Everything you do with your mobile, from sending a SMS to making a call, responds to a series of codes written by a software programmer.

Your hot showers are assured by a water heater that is temperature-controlled by a preset microprocessor that monitors output temperature and water flow.

Automatic doors in elevators to showrooms use the help of mini-computers to give you that magical experience.

Seen the fairy lights that automatically change colours in transition? Yes, that's because of coding.

TV, fridge, remote … it’s endless.

Just thinking about how technology in general and coding in particular has changed our lives gives me butterflies.

Do you also ever get fascinated by the world of coding?